Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's been a great night to begin a banana scarf project. When times get rough, and life on our planet earth is under siege, the perfect thing to do is knit a banana scarf.


  1. Hi Linda,

      Commuting home this evening about 5:30pm (with the high 70's temperature), I had a heading of S.W. The trees along this path are deciduous looking much candelabras. They reached into the pale blue sky which was crisscrossed with broad white contrails, but of course the perspective rays led toware the sun which was below my view.

      At once I was moved to think how many of your paintings are kindred to what I was seeing.

  2. Thank you, George. Good to hear from you. I hadn't seen your message yet, but I sketched a kind of candelabra-looking tree today, and then asked, where the heck did this come from?

    There are some young trees in the yard that, lacking leaves in winter, do look like candelabra, though. Great simile....
